We are standing by with support for residents who live in neighborhoods without active groups and are interested in getting one underway. To get started, simply review the links below and contact us to find out how you can help.
Neighborhood Association Guidebook
A guidebook designed specifically for Irondequoit residents with the aim of helping community members plan, organize and maintain neighborhood associations for their communities. The book outlines the step by step process to getting started as well as shares helpful tips and trick to help you be as successful as possible in your endeavor.
Quick Start Guide
A high level overview of the Neighborhood Association Guidebook designed for new groups. Here you will find a 12 step guide to getting started, FAQs for new groups and a listing of supports available to group leaders.
Neighborhood Association FAQs
Wondering what the differences are between an HOA, a neighborhood watch, a block club and a neighborhood association are? Want to know what counts as a neighborhood? Considering how to propose the best boundaries? Learn the answers to these questions and more on our FAQs page.
Neighborhood Input Survey
Help the Town learn about what makes the area where you live special. What’s the most interesting feature? The best kept secret? What do you love most about your community? We’ll use your input to help develop descriptions of each of our neighborhoods, the we’ll identify the unique assets and use the information gathered to highlight the best parts of our town to others.